.....Today, as LTTE is using their famous civilian shields against the advancing troops, SL Army is correctly utilizing their deep penetrating units to break through that shield. Right now, LRRP is operated on reconnaissance and combat patrols, to obtain highly vital intelligence, or to perform highly dangerous raids and ambushes. These brave soldiers penetrate through rebel civilians and live in jungles for days and nights collecting intelligent news. Some time they fade themselves out among civilian, looking for their next target. Their success on far too dangerous operations and the extraordinary kill ratios has given that vital support the SL Army is desperately needed at this juncture. To me, the success of this war is heavily depends on the mastery we shown on utilizing our deep penetrating units. How well we use them, the sooner the end of this war will be......
Perhaps, for the first time in the modern world, a guerilla war is beginning to end. A terrorist outfit who fought for many decades is taking their last breath. The experts who argued negatively about the war have changed now. Today they say “The LTTE can be defeated militarily”. However now these experts are searching desperately for something to earn their next living. These war/ political experts have found a new mantra now, they say “These Tamil terrorists can be defeated militarily, but it remains unclear how the government would pacify and control the large Tamil-speaking areas in the north”. But according to the way it is progessing now, you never knows when they have to stop chanting this mantra and have to look for the next new mantra.
We know that we can defeat this terrorist outfit now. However, that could in my opinion is equal to killing every Tamil in the north and east as well. One thing is clear. We cannot isolate the terrorist from the civilians. That also means wiping out the terrorist equals to wiping out the Tamils. So after all the new mantra that all these experts use to chant these days is having some meaning too.. So, where are we now, how we can win this war then?
I think, we have the answer with our deep penitrating units. At this dawn Sri Lankan army is patrolling around the inner skirt of Kilinochchi, the strong holds town based in far end corner of north. We fought this war many times before but failed until this time. For the first time in the history of this war SL Army has introduced a new unit called LRRP so called long rangers. They are a lonely unit consist of four to six silent men, equipped with modern day state of art technologies. This unit has mastered the covert operations against the rebels in the north. They can successfully penetrate deep into the jungles and assassinate key LTTE figures, hiding in those concrete bunkers.
According to my humble view point, the long rangers owe the future of this war. We will have to deploy more and more LRRP units in the near future.
Today, as LTTE is using their famous civilian shields against the advancing troops, SL Army is correctly utilizing their deep penetrating units to break through that shield. Right now, LRRP is operated on reconnaissance and combat patrols, to obtain highly vital intelligence, or to perform highly dangerous raids and ambushes. These brave soldiers penetrate through rebel civilians and live in jungles for days and nights collecting intelligent news. Some time they fade themselves out among civilian, looking for their next target. Their success on far too dangerous operations and the extraordinary kill ratios has given that vital support the SL Army is desperately needed at this juncture. To me, the success of this war is heavily depends on the mastery we shown on utilizing our deep penetrating units. How well we use them, the sooner the end of this war will be..
Finally, as long as Sri Lanka gets rain, we will have forests, as long as we have forests, terrorist will hide, as long as the terrorists are hiding, the terrorist will attack, as long as the terrorists are attacking, the war will not be over, as long as a war, the LRRP is needed. So even after the war, long ranger will rule the north and east jungles. You will hear about them living among civilians collecting intelligent news. It will be a regular scenery to watchful eyes, to see units of four silent men scrolling out/ in through the dark dry zone forests in the future.
So as I told you before, very soon these political experts and military experts have to look for their next mantra. In the same time LRRP units will have more and more works to do, at least for next ten years, no matter when the war will be over.
Keep up the good work
- Suno
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