I am not sure about "FREE" "MEDIA" but those who work in Media as the holly Quran state, I believe are those who bought this life at the cost of their next life.. The Media today is act with no responsibility. They do whatever they want, hiding behind those two heavenly words called "Media Freedom".
In my mind the media's role is significant in a society like ours. It can play the role of development of collective understandings, new concepts, social awareness and the momentous decisions needed for the growth of our society. However the fact remains that the media today knowingly and willingly report falsehoods for commercial reasons, controversy makes them richer.
It is common these days to see Medias report the same incident in many different ways to prove their pre-meditated ideas.
Recentlt we saw how Media act in an unbelievably selfish manner too. The stories given below have ample evidence to this irresponsibility that the Sri Lankan media has shown ..
The picture below evident how media behave, when Lasantha Wickramatunga was rushing to the Kalubowilla hospital after an unidentified gunman shot and injured him. The brutally injured reporter was obviously in a bad shape and he should have been allowed to be taken in to the hospital without the nurses and doctors having to scream at mostly media people who wanted a picture of a person fighting to stay alive.
It got worst as Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Mahinda Wijesekara carrying to the hospital after being air lifted to Colombo for surgery.
It is reported that not just at the outside of the hospital but even inside the operation theater there were battling to get a photo of that injured minister who was fighting with the death. You can clearly see how hard it was for doctor and other medical officers to control the crowd.
We all know that most media personals are just uneducated idiotic and foolish carders, but still how would one bargain a headline photo of their new paper with a life of an individual who is fighting for his/ her last breath.
The images below speaks for all… (These were taken at the recent suicide bomber attack at Matara, Akurassa)

killing is one but this is something else.. So, borthers, just help me to understand...